
Mr and Mrs Santa Claus and their kids

by Victor Grigore, Webphoto.ro

Have you ever wondered how it would be like to be one of the children Santa Claus has? Well, being Santa’s little helper is no picnic, we can assure you. The elves, as they are known, are hard working little creatures living in Lapland, near North Pole. They spend all of their days in the toy factory, and they also act as a personal secret service for Santa. They collect information on every kid on the planet, which they store in big book. So when they receive a letter from a child asking for a gift, they check how that kid behaved during the year, and advice Santa Claus how to “deal with the case”.
The good news is that Santa Claus loves all the kids, and with the influence Mrs Santa Claus has on him, the word goes that he is rather willing to forgive those who did little tricks during the year. And if they also have a poem prepared for the occasion, its very likely thy will receive a gift from under the tree.
The party the pictures were taken at was organized by www.craciun-fericit.ro, a professional Christmas parties organizer with over ten years experience.
Other pictures taken at the same company (Future, Otopeni) : the sledge of Santa, the party part I and part II.

V-ati intrebat vreodata cum e sa fii copilul lui Mos Craciun? Ei bine, nu e o treaba chiar atat de usoara pe cat pare. Spiridusii muncesc tot timpul anului in fabrica de jucarii din Laponia, de langa Polul Nord. Tot ei sunt un fel de serviciu secret al Mosului, adunand informatii despre toti copiii cuminti de pe planeta. De fiecare data cand in Laponia soseste o scrisoare de la vreun copil care cere un cadou, spiridusii isi verifica dosarele si ii soptesc batranului cum sa ii raspunda.
Vestea buna e ca Mosul ii iubeste pe toti copiii si, rugat si de Craciunita, el e mai mereu dispus sa treaca cu vederea poznele din cursul anului. Iar daca ai pregatita o poezioara, poti fi sigur ca sub brad se va afla si un cadou pentru tine.
Petrecerea de la care sunt imaginile de mai sus a fost organizata in Otopeni de www.craciun-fericit.ro, cel mai serios organizator de petreceri de Craciun, cu o experienta de peste 10 ani in domeniu.

Alte imagini de la aceeasi firma (Future, Otopeni) : sania cu reni, petrecerea partea I si partea a II-a.

Mai multe despre: Christmas
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