Miguel Cervantes și personajele lui din Don Quijote

Pentru mulți, acest monument al literaturii spaniole e cel mai bun roman scris vreodată. Chiar și pentru zilele noastre creația lui Cervantes din 1605 uimește prin modernitate, ironie și spirit. Cartea e o parodie a romanelor cavalerești, populare la acea vreme, dar poate fi citită ca roman de aventuri sau meditație asupra iluziilor noastre. Un […]

Miguel de Cervantes and his characters from Don Quixote

For some, this monument of Spanish literature is the best novel ever written. Even for our days, this creation of Cervantes from 1605 is strikingly modern, with wit and irony. The book is a parody of chivalric novels, popular at the time, but can be read either as an adventure or a meditation on our […]

Plaza de Espana in Seville, modern architecture taking a bow to Moorish heritage

Though it looks like a historic building from distant times, the complex in Plaza de Espana, Sevilla is actually less than a century old, being built for the World Exhibition of 1929. The building is situated in a very peaceful park, Maria Luisa and is the high point of an entire area of Seville, built […]

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