The region Oltenia is the south-eastern part of Romania, situated on the banks of rivers Danube, Jiu and Olt. It is famous for its witty and active people, as well as for its folk traditions. The capital of the region is Craiova, with other major cities as Slatina, Drobeta Turnu Severin or Targu Jiu (where […]
Pe malul Dunării, într-o regiune cu vestigii de pe vremea războaielor daco-romane, există un muzeu așa cum ar fi util să existe în orice regiune din țară, unde poți vedea exponate legate de toate activitățile specifice zonei, fie că e vorba de acte de cultură sau de activități ale vieții de zi cu zi. Regiunea […]
The narrowest passage of the Danube, the most important river of Europe, creates a fabulous natural landscape. The river breaks through high walls of stone, creating several gorges with luxurious wild vegetation, that also give water a green shade. This is the background against which a record sculpture was carved in ten years. The largest […]