Târgul de carte de anul acesta și-a bătut propriile recorduri

Daca in primii ani cititorii se inghesuiau in Sala Radio sau pe culoarele Teatrului National, iata ca de doi ani nici Pavilionul Central al Romexpo nu mai este suficient de incapator pentru foamea de lectura a romanilor. Nu mai putin de 96.000 de vizitatori au trecut pragul expozitiei de anul acesta care a reunit 450 […]

President Basescu publicly condemns communism

The report of the Presidential Commission for Communism Study was published in the form of a book after its short form was read by President Basescu in front of the Parliament. There, Basescu had to front a loud opposition from the extremist leader Vadim Tudor and several leaders of PSD (Social Democratic, former Communist Party) […]

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