The Abbey of Cârța, the last trace of Cistercians in Transylvania, 800 years ago

The abbey at Cârța was established in 1205, or maybe next year by the Cistercian monks at the behest of Hungarian king Emerich, who was continuing a project of the Arpad dynasty of colonizing Transylvania. Prior to that, these monks, coming from Burgundy, a region in the east of France had established the first monastery […]

Sibiu, farmecul unei foste capitale culturale europene

Cu o existenţă atestată de nouă secole, Sibiul e unul dintre cele mai vechi oraşe din România. Situat în inima Transilvaniei, Sibiul a fost ridicat de coloniştii germani aduşi aici de coroana maghiară. Pe atunci Transilvania era parte a Ungariei, iar coloniştii saşi aveau rolul de a apăra graniţele şi de a dinamiza economia. Într-adevăr […]

Sibiu (Hermannstadt) The charm of a former European cultural capital

With a documented history of nine centuries, Sibiu is one of the oldest cities in Romania. Situated in the heart of Transylvania, Sibiu was built by German settlers brought here by the Hungarian king. Back then, Transylvania was part of Hungary and the settlers were brought to defend the border of the empire and to […]

Transfagarasan: „The best road in the world” according to BBC’s Top Gear

When BBC filmed one of its Top Gear editions, the crew couldn’t miss Transfagarasan, a spectacular winding road that climbs the Fagaras Mountain, breaks the mountain through a tunnel and ends near a massive dam. While driving an expensive sports car on the road that resembles a Formula 1 race track in a wild landscape, […]

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