Anuntata pe toate afisele, Mihaela Radulescu a lipsit de la intalnirea cu laureatul Nobel Orhan Pamuk, mai ocupata probabil de „lupta de idei” cu Andreea Marin. Au fost prezenti, in schimb, Norman Manea, Emil Hurezeanu, Razvan Exarhu, Tudor Octavian, Dragos Bucurenci, Ovidiu Simonca si cateva sute de cititori care au umplut pana la refuz sala […]
Orhan Pamuk visited Bucharest to meet with his Romanian writers and to promote his novels. Orhan Pamuk is the winner of Nobel Prize for Literature and the best-selling author in Turkey. His books include: My Name is Red, The Museum of Innocence, The New Life, The White Castle, Istanbul, Memories of a City. At the […]