The white mosque on the Gibraltar rock

The place where Europe and Africa meet, through a narrow straight of less than 15 km width, is more a strategic and sentimental point. Technically, Gibraltar belongs to Great Britain, it has scrupulous check-points and her majesty’s Royal Police patrolling. Otherwise, this tiny limb of land is not separated from the Iberic Peninsula, and authorities […]

Bar, resort at the Adriatic See

Bar is one of Montenegro’s southernmost resorts on the coast of Adriatic See. Down the road there is only other major city – Ulcinj – before the Albanian border. Across the see, there is the more famous town of Bari, Italy, that’s why Italians call their Montenegrin counterpart Antibari or Antivari. Bar is a developing […]

Hagia Sophia, the Byzantine response to the Temple of Solomon

The legend has it that when he first entered his masterpiece, emperor Justinian lift his eyes towards the dome and uttered: “Oh, Solomon, I’ve surpassed you!”. To understand just how entitled this far from modest remark was, we must put our imagination to work, picturing the basilica painted, the marble floor, the precious stones, the […]

One of the oldest Christian churches in the world: The Rotunda of St George, built by Emperor Galerius

Some say that this might be the oldest Christian church in the world that is still in place, while others admit that this is just the oldest monument of this type in Greece or in the city. However, the Rotunda from Thessaloniki, built in 306, is a witness to almost two millenniums of history. It […]

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