Acesta e unul dintre cele mai vechi cartiere din București, preferat în ultimul secol de cei înstăriți. Ca orașul însuși, a pornit ca o pădure pe malul râului Dâmbovița, trecând prin etapa de sat modest. Pădurea era deasă și adăpostea tâlhari și fugari, tocmai de la desișul acestei păduri provenind cel mai probabil și numele, […]
This is one of the oldest and best preserved neighborhoods of Bucharest, preferred by the upper class of the last century. Like the city itself, it started as a forest on the banks of Dâmbovița river, passing through the stage of a modest village. The forest was thick and housed robbers and fugitives, its name […]
An absolute must see if you visit Bucharest, the Cotroceni (pronounced Kotrocheny) has a history of 400 years, a beautiful architecture and a very relaxing surrounding domain. It was first intended as a monastery, with churches and cells. Probably some kind of religious construction existed there prior to 1600. Prince Serban Cantacuzino, who financed the […]