Circus, the favorite entertainment for kids

The show at the Globus Circus combined acrobatics, clown numbers and animal training acts in a fairytale-like scenario. The ponies were the first to enter the arena, doing some synchronized tricks, followed by real full size stallions. The Shayer breed horse was trained by French expert Sandrine Le Bris. The spectacular tigers, trained by Mioara […]

Clowns and toys go together with kids

Kidex is an annual exhibition that puts together noisy children, restless parents and toy manufacturers or specialists in education. But the easiest to spot are always the specialists in entertainment – clowns or face-painters, singers and creators of balloon animals. The parents could take home a new stroller, cribs or an entire wardrobe for the […]

Children costumes parade at Health & Beauty Expo

A fashion parade for children looks completely different than an adult one. It includes costumes inspired by fairytales or even cartoons and movies. This way you may encounter a princess, Peter Pan, Spiderman, a clown or even an alien. The presentation was held during the Health and Beauty Expo in Bucharest. The fair is a […]

Carte pentru mamici

Cartea cu sfaturi de crestere a copilului a fost prezentata de Simona Calancea (redactor-sef al revistei Baby) si Daniela Teodorescu (redactor-sef al revistei Avantaje).

Cinderella, the story of becoming a princess

We all know the story of Cindarella, a popular fairytale retold by Grimm brothers (also famous for „Snow White”, „Sleeping Beauty”, „Hansel and Gretel”) and Charles Perrault (also famous for „Little Red Riding Hood”, „Hop o’ My Thumb”, „Bluebeard”, „Puss in Boots”), but the story never seems to stop capturing the audience. Such was the […]

Mos Craciun cu plete dalbe

E imposibil sa nu il recunosti: poarta o cipilica rosie si un costum de aceeasi culoare, cu o curea mare din piele si cizme negre. Barba ii e alba ca zapada, caci nimeni nu mai tine minte de cate sute de ani imparte Mos Craciun daruri copiilor. E cel mai faimos locuitor al Laponiei, un […]

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