
Cinderella, the story of becoming a princess

by Victor Grigore, Webphoto.ro

We all know the story of Cindarella, a popular fairytale retold by Grimm brothers (also famous for “Snow White”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Hansel and Gretel”) and Charles Perrault (also famous for “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Hop o’ My Thumb”, “Bluebeard”, “Puss in Boots”), but the story never seems to stop capturing the audience.
Such was the case of the theatrical performance by “Ion Creanga” Theater. Cinderella was the small daughter of a man who remarried, and who was mean treated by her stepmother and her two stepdaughters. Cinderella had to do all the housework and maintain the fire in the chimney, and that’s how she got her nickname.
A Fairy helps Cinderella go to the palace of the prince who was seeking for a princess to marry with. At midnight, when the spell ended, the enchanted prince was left only with a slipper from the running princess which he danced with. So he started looking allover his kingdom for the only girl who could wear that slipper. The story has a happy ending, with Cinderella marrying the Prince and her wicked stepsisters marrying two other courts men.

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