Here you can see some examples of product photography, including cosmetics, toys and other consumer goods, that typically appear in commercial catalogs. Usually, they are white or black background, to allow for easier clipping and integration in the layout of the publication. Sometimes, the product may be on top of a shining, reflective surface, that […]
If you were to get up close and personal with an alien or with Santa Close which one would you chose? I’d pick Santa, because I’m sure there would be some gifts involved, that would make me pass over the green little monsters. Beside, Santa Claus has his own little helpers, who are green but […]
Santa Claus is a very popular figure around the world, and he is said to travel in various ways. But from the Northern world comes his „vehicle of choice”: the reindeer pulled sledge. Reindeer are common animals in countries as Finland or Sweden, so it is no wonder they are use by someone who presumably […]
We all know Rudolph is the most famous of Santa’s reindeer. It is said to be able to light the path in the night with its flashy red nose. With his younger buddy, Rudolph brought the sledge of Santa Claus through the snow. The carnival atmosphere was enhanced by the jolly clowns who entertained the […]
Have you ever wondered how it would be like to be one of the children Santa Claus has? Well, being Santa’s little helper is no picnic, we can assure you. The elves, as they are known, are hard working little creatures living in Lapland, near North Pole. They spend all of their days in the […]
Ce poate fi mai calduros decat un Craciun petrecut langa bradul cu luminite colorate, asteptand ca Mosul sa scoata din tolba darurile pe care i le-ai cerut in scrisoare? Da, Mos Craciun vine si in Romania, tocmai din Laponia cernita de zapada, pentru ca are o sanie fermecata trasa de reni care nu obosesc niciodata. […]
La Hotel Confort din Otopeni a avut loc o petrecere grozava de Craciun. Mosul cel darnic a sosit impreuna cu Craciunita in sania trasa de reni. In jurul saniei faceau pozne spiridusii urecheati in costume verzi, dar si un clown care stie sa faca animalute din baloane. Spectacolul a fost sustinut in interior de Corul […]
The children at the Pinocchio center in Bucharest had a fabulous night, when Santa Claus came knocking on their door. But they were far from being caught unprepared. The kids had prepared themselves not only with poems and songs, but even with a modern dance demonstration. A jolly clown painted their faces and they received […]
Just a couple of pics from the visit Santa Clause payed to Hyundai subsidiary in Bucharest, Romania. The party organizer was Doua imagini de la vizita pe ca Mos Craciun a facut-o reprezentantei Hyundai din Bucuresti. Petrecerea a fost organizata de
Maybe you all found out about the famous reindeer Santa Claus is using to pull his magic sledge. The most famous of them all is Rudolph, the red nose reindeer, which lights out the path of the sledge in the night. His brothers are called: Comet, Blitzen, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Cupid and Donner. Some […]
The world record for the greatest Santa Claus gathering was beaten down by almost four thousand men and women dressed in red and white costumes. Guinness World registered the record as the largest number of people dressed as Santa Claus and offering gifts. The exact number of enlisted participants was 3939 who were present near […]